Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Expedition Announcement

Hi Family and Friends:

Welcome to the blog for our next expedition starting June 4, 2013.  This trip has been eight months in planning and I just realized today (April 10) that I had not yet created the blog site!  We are still in Florida but getting ready to head north on April 23rd. 

We will be home about five weeks before heading West for most of the month of June.  This trip will take us across the middle of the country with an emphasis on Colorado since we missed that state almost completely during the 2007 expedition.  We are especially looking forward to seeing our dear friends, Brent and Judy, at their summer location in Wyoming.  The photo below was taken in Arches National Park in 2007. 

We may stop in Arches again, if time permits, but this trip will include Canyonlands NP just across the street (relatively) from Arches.  It is here I will experience my first Hot Air Balloon ride as a special landmark birthday gift from Jim.  Never mind which one.  Jim, for some odd reason, does not want to join me on this adventure. 
In addition to Canyonlands, we will see three National Parks in Colorado - Great Sand Dunes NP, Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP, and Rocky Mountain NP - plus 6 scenic drives.  (I haven't told Jim about all the scenic drives yet since he will know that means frequent stops along the way.)  Also included are a few Wildlife Refuges and 5 golf stops since I have now taken up the game (long story).  We will be camping more this trip (20 out of 26 nights) but usinge the luxury accomodations of KOA Kamping Kabins.  Nothing like a solid roof over your head on a rainy night!
So that is the broad overview of the trip.  We hope you will join us by checking the blog from time to time to share our travel adventures and make your recommendations of places to see along the way.
Mattie and Jim